


b2_pos_engManiwa City, Okayama is a region that boasts of the largest number of Jersey cattle in Japan.
At our dairy farm, we only raise Jersey cows – there are no Holsteins – and we have operated as a dairy farm for three generations.
Currently, our family is raising 50 cows.
One of our most important jobs is to detect as early as possible whether any of our cows is experiencing poor health, so we spend the entire day with them, and have a system in place to take immediate action should anything happen, even at night.
This dairy farm carries out calving, milking from artificial insemination, and then artificial insemination again. We never purchases cows from outside the farm. For this reason, we carefully raise our young calves, rearing healthy cows that are able produce milk every day. Furthermore, we are making efforts to be a recycling-oriented dairy farm, fermenting even manure, utilizing it as compost, making soil, growing feed crops, harvesting these crops, feeding them to our cows, and utilizing the compost.
In addition, we receive paddy straws from neighboring rice farmers, and use these as bedding for the cows, then in turn, provide rice farmers with compost, serving a community role in our region.

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